* Byron Coast Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management

Byron Shire Council
Byron Local Government Area, NSW

Following on from the recently completed Byron Coast Koala Habitat Study we were contracted by Byron Shire Council to prepare a Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for the study area. Developed in conjunction with a Project Reference Group over a 2 years period, the draft CKPoM proposed a number of novel precedents for koala conservation and management including identification of Koala Management Areas and associated Koala Management Precincts wherein management effort can be focussed. 

Public exhibition of the Draft CKPoM concluded in March, 2014. Fifty seven submissions were received. In general terms the majority of submissions  were supportive of the CKPOM, the  remainder comprising some that requested amendments to specific provisions and others that expressed concern about the impact on development and/or simply objected to the plan on principle. All views were considered objectively and a report prepared for Council.  Now in the hands of Council, the final outcome will be most interesting; a copy of the draft CKPoM as amended by us prior to the handover to Council can be provided if required.