Threatened Species Management

Over time we have been engaged to deal with a range of threatened flora and fauna issues from the preparation of single species management plans to the design of surveys specifically targeting one or more threatened species. Our intent in terms of survey design is not so much to play around with the issue of presence/absence as it is to understand fundamental considerations such as Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy, along with robust density and associated estimates of population size.

Threatened taxa that have been the focus of specialised survey design and associated effort include a variety of plant species that range in size from rare orchids and shrubs like the Dwarf Kerrawang and Tiny Wattle to trees such as the Charmhaven Apple, amphibians such as the Wallum Froglet, Masked and Powerful Owls, Long-nosed Potoroos, Koalas and even Tree Kangaroos.