A bit about us......

We are a small consultancy team that offers specialist skills in landscape-scale koala conservation biology, threatened flora and fauna survey design, implementation and data analyses, conservation planning and spatial modelling.

Current projects


Following advice previously provided to DPIE / OEH in 2018 on the development of a survey program for Red-lored Whistlers which utilised passive acoustic sampling, Biolink is currently reviewing and analysing call data from song meters, in addition to a further examination of historical Red-lored Whistler records and associated ecological information including vegetation and fire mapping.

Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM)

The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and associated Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS) establishes Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements (BSA) which are in-perpetuity agreements entered into by landholders to secure biodiversity offset sites. Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements are used by landholders wishing to generate and potentially sell biodiversity credits.